Projective Geometry

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, Solution Manual

An index to the worked solutions

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.13

Euclidean Transformations

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.12

Equiareal Transformations

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.11

Similarity Transformations

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.10

Affine Transformations

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.8

The Determination of a Collineation

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.7

Collineations of types IV, V and VI

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.6

Collineations of types II and III

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.5

Collineations of Type I

Introduction to Projective Geometry Solutions 5.4

The Invariance of the Classification